珏*瑴;甲金篆隶jué【析形】会意字。甲骨文字形是两串相并的玉。金文字形改为从玉,(què)声。小篆字形承接甲骨文、金文字形分为二体。隶书字形变后分写作“珏”与“瑴”。 【释义】《说文》“二玉相合为一珏。”本义是两玉相合。古制贝玉之饰多五枚为一系,合二系为一珏。可以以珏作为信物让两人各拿一部分。 【shape analysis】It is the associative character.In Oracle,the character is shaped like two strings of jades; while in Bronze Inscriptions,it was changed into a pictophonetic character with the part玉(yù,jade) as an ideogram and (què)as a phonetic sign. 【original meaning】Two jades are congruent with each other.In ancient times,five shells or jades were a series and two series was one 珏. |