【析形】形声字。古文字形从竹,争声。从竹,与乐器有关。 【释义】《说文》:“鼓弦竹身乐也。”本义是一种拨弦乐器。形似瑟。战国时已流行于秦地,传为秦时蒙恬所作,故又称“秦筝”。筝是一种多弦多柱的弹拨乐器。[秦筝赵瑟]秦国的筝和赵国的瑟,泛指名贵的乐器。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character. In ancient character the meaningful part is竹(zhú,bamboo). The phonetic component is争 (zhēng). That relates to the instrument. 【original meaning】 Plucked instrument. It looks like a stringed instrument. During the Warring States Period it was very popular in Qin. It is said to be made by Meng Tian; therefore, it is also called Qin Zheng.