【析形】形声字。小篆字形从米,量声。隶书字形变后或体作从米,良声。繁体字以“糧”为正体,今简化字以“粮”为正体。 【释义】《说文》:“谷也。”本义是出行路上带的干粮,与“食”相对。《周礼·廪人》:“凡邦有会同师役之事,则治其粮与其食。”郑玄注:“粮谓糒也,止居曰食,谓米也。”(糒:干粮)古代的干粮是炒熟的米麦等谷物,类似现在的炒米、炒豆,有时炒熟后再舂或碾成粉。大约自汉代后期起,粮才引申泛指粮食。[寅吃卯粮]按照干支,寅在卯前,寅年吃了来年卯年的粮食。比喻入不敷出,前吃后空。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character.In Small Seal script it was formed with the part 米(mǐ,rice) as an ideogram and the part 量(liáng) as a phonetic sign. When it was transformed into Official script, the variant form was formed with 米 and 良(liáng). 【original meaning】 The solid food prepared for a long journey which is relative to 食. In ancient times, it was made with rice and wheat, similar to dried rice and beans nowadays, or pestle and grind into powder after being cooked.