缙縉;篆隶jìn【析形】形声字。古文字形从糸,晋声。 【释义】《说文》:“帛赤色也。”本义是浅赤色。在古书中,多假借为“搢”,意为插。古代君臣朝见时手里拿着一块狭长板子,说话时用来指指画画或记事,称为“笏”。笏平时则插在绅带之间,称为缙(搢)绅。 插笏于绅带间既是官宦的装束,故又以[缙绅]借指士大夫。 【shape analysis】In ancient character the part糸(sī,silk) is as an ideogram and 晋(jìn) as a phonetic sign. 【original meaning】 Light red. The character usually refers to interposing. Ancient emperors and ministers often took a long narrow board for pointing or recording called 笏(hù) when they gathered together. 笏 is usually interpose between gentry's(绅) belt, that's 缙(搢)绅. △缙(縉)jìn13画 糸部 (1) 〈书〉浅红色的帛。 (2) 【缙绅】缙通“搢”,插的意思;“绅”指腰间大带。缙绅原为古代高级官吏的一种装束,后指做官或做过官的人。 |