【析形】形声字。古文字形从车,声。 【释义】《说文》:“车舆也。”本义是古代马车的车厢。这是乘人的部分,古人乘车是站在车舆里的,叫“立乘”。舆的前面和两旁以木板作为挡板,可以依靠身体,叫“輢”,舆前面的横木可以凭依扶手,叫“轼”。乘车的人从舆的后面上车,车舆中有一根固定的绳供上车时拉手用,叫“绥”。后来引申为泛指车。形似车厢用作乘人的轿子也可称“舆”,叫“肩舆”。至于[舆论]的“舆”有众多义,是从“众手所举”的意义引申出来的。所谓“舆论”,就是“众人之议”。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character. In ancient character it is related to车(jū,cart) and sounds like . 【original meaning】 Carriage in ancient times. In ancient tmes,People stood in cart. In front of and on the sides of the carriage are planks called 輢(yǐ)so that people can lean against them.In front of the carriage is the transom called 轼(shì), used for armrest as handrail.When people get on the carriage,there is a fixed rope called 绥(suí)for hands pulling.