释义 |
轫 軔; 篆 隶rèn【析形】形声字。古文字形从车,刃声。 【释义】《说文》:“碍车也。”徐锴系传:“止轮之转,其物名轫。”本义指支住车轮使其不能转动的木头。古代的车没有制动装置,为防止车轮自己滑动,停车后用一块木头阻碍车轮,这块木头就叫轫。行车时先要把轫移开,叫做发轫。[发轫]把支住车轮的木头抽掉,使车辆前进,比喻事情的开始。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character.In ancient character it is related to车(jū,cart)and sounds like刃(rèn). 【original meaning】Refers to the timber that supports wheel to prevent it from rotating.There is no braking installment on ancient carts.To avoid wheel from rotating by itself,there is a timber to hinder the wheel after stopping the cart,and this timber is called 轫.When driving the cart,one has to move away the timber. △轫(軔)〔 〕rèn7画 车部 支住车轮不使滚动的木头: 发~(拿掉支住车轮的木头,使车前进。喻指新事物或某种局面开始出现)。 |