【析形】会意字。小篆字形从邑,从垂。邑是人聚居之处,垂指边陲。隶书字形“邑”旁多变作“阝”(固定在字右)。今简化字作“邮”,从邑,由声。 【释义】《说文》:“境上行书舍。”本义指驿站。古时设在沿途供出巡的官员、传送文书的小吏和旅客歇宿的馆舍。马传曰置,步传曰邮。也指传送文书的人。颜师古注:“邮,行书者也,若今传送文书矣。”引申为传送,邮寄。 古文字另有“邮”字,从邑,由声。地名。今“郵”简化字作“邮”,遂使二字同形。 【shape analysis】It is the associative character.In Small Seal script it is related to邑(yì,city)and 垂(chuí,frontier).垂 means borderland,and邑in Official script is changed into阝(on the right part). 【original meaning】Courier station,a type of ancient hotel for officials on inspection tour,for servants to send documents and for travelers on trip.It was called 置(zhì)if letters were delivered with horse,while it was called 邮(yóu)if delivered on foot.