释义 |
錞 篆 隶chún【析形】形声字。古文字形从金,享声。 【释义】《周礼·地官·鼓人》:“以金錞和鼓。”郑玄注:“錞,錞于也。圜如硾头,大上小下,乐作鸣之,与鼓相和。”本义是一种打击乐器,始于春秋时期,盛行于战国至西汉前期。形如圆筒,上大下小,顶上多虎形钮,用于悬挂,以物击打而鸣。又名“錞于”。常与鼓配合,用于战争中指挥进退。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character. In ancient character its meaning is related to the part金(jīn ,metal), while it sounds like the pronunciation of 享(xiǎnɡ ). 【original meaning】 It is a kind of percussion instrument originated in the Spring and Autumn Period, but becoming popular from Warring States Times to early Western Han Dynasty. It is shaped like a round barrel with a big upper part and a smaller lower part. There is a tiger—shaped button on the top for hanging. When stricken by something else, it will make a sound. It was also named as 錞于. Coordinated with a drum, it was used for commanding in the war. |