释义 |
钺 鉞; 甲 金 篆 隶yuè【析形】甲骨文字形是象形字,像一种圆刃空心的兵器。因多为铜制,小篆字形又增意符金,从金、戉声。 【释义】《说文》:“大斧也。”本义是一种形似斧而较大的兵器,盛行于殷周,多是作为地位和权力象征的礼仪而使用。古代大将出征,君主授以斧钺,表示授以兵权,与后世的尚方宝剑相似。“王” 、“士”二字的古文字字形均取象于钺,用其权力、仪仗之义。 【shape analysis】It is the pictograph character.In Oracle it was like a kind of weapon with hollow circular blade.Because most were made of copper,In Small seal script it was added the meaningful part 金(jīn,gold)and the phonetic component was戉(yuè). 【original meaning】A weapon shaped like a large ax.It was prevalent in the Yin and Zhou Dynasties.钺was both large and heavy,used for rituals,and also as a symbol of status. △钺(鉞)yuè10画 金部 古兵器,形状像斧头而较大,圆刃,由青铜、铁或石头制成。 |