镈 鎛; 金 篆 隶bó【析形】形声字。古文字形从金,尃声。传世文献写作“鑮”。 【释义】《说文》:“鑮,大钟,淳于之属,所以应钟磬也。堵以二,金乐则鼓鑮应之。”鑮即镈。本义是古代的一种打击乐器。出现在商代晚期,圆形,口缘较平,青铜制成,有钮用于悬挂,用槌叩击而鸣,形似大钟。到了春秋战国时期,镈成为大型打击乐器,在贵族宴飨或祭祀时,配合编钟、编磬使用,在合奏中起指示节奏、定音的作用。 传世文献的“镈”是古代锄一类的农具。《说文》:“田器。” 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character. In ancient character the meaningful part is金 (jīn, gold). The phonetic component is尃(fū). The extant document writes it as 鑮. 【original meaning】 A kind of percussion instrument. It appeared in the late Shang Dynasty, round with a flat rim and made of bronze. After the Spring and Autumn Period, it has turned to be a percussion instrument. 镈(鎛)bó15画 金部 〈书〉 (1) 锄草的农具,似锄。 (2) 乐器,铜铸,像钟,口平。 |