释义 |
驷 駟; 金 篆 隶sì【析形】形声字。古文字形从马,四声,四兼表义。 【释义】《说文》:“一乘也。”段玉裁注:“四马为一乘。”本义是驾四马之车,又可代指马车。战国以前,车马是相连的,因此古人所谓御车也就是御马,所谓乘马也就是乘车。古代驾二马为骈,驾三马为骖,驾四马为驷,而又以驾四马为常。[一言既出,驷马难追]形容话已说出就无法收回,说了话就要算数。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character.In ancient character it is related to马(mǎ,horse)and sounds like 四(sì). 【original meaning】Driving a cart with four horses.In ancient times,driving two horses was called 骈(pián),while driving three horses was called 骖(cān),and driving four horses was called 驷.It was common to drive four horses. △驷(駟)sì8画 马部 〈书〉 驾四匹马的车或一车所驾的四匹马: 一言既出,~马难追。 |