麾篆隶huī【析形】形声字。小篆字形作,从手,靡声。隶、楷字形变作麾,从毛,麻声。 【释义】《说文》:“旌旗,所以指麾也。”本义是指挥军队的旗子。后引申为指挥。[麾下]本指将帅的旗下。后指将帅的部下。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character. In Small Seal script it is changed to . The meaningful part is手(shǒu,hand)and the phonetic component is靡(mí).Until the Official script and Regular script it turned to the 麾(huī) whose meaningful part is毛(máo,feather)and the phonetic component is麻(má). 【original meaning】 The flag to command the army. △麾huī15画 麻部 (1) 古代作战时指挥军队的旗子。 (2) 〈书〉 指挥(军队): ~军前进。 |