【析形】会意字。甲骨文字形像一双手扶着冠的样子。小篆字形作“弁”,是古文字字形的讹变。后世沿用“弁”的写法。 【释义】《说文》:“冠也。”本义是古代贵族男子穿礼服时戴的一种次于冕的帽。吉礼之服用冕,通常礼服用弁。弁主要有爵弁、皮弁。爵弁据说是没有上檐的冕,用于祭祀。皮弁用白鹿皮做成,类似今日瓜皮帽。由汉至明,弁的形制虽有差异,但始终是法服主要内容之一。[弁言]指前言,序文,因冠于前,故名。 【shape analysis】It is the associative character.In Oracle the character is shaped like two hands holding a hat.When it came to Small Seal script,the character was transformed erroneously into 弁. 【original meaning】A kind of hat wore by ancient noble men with ceremonial robe which was only inferior to 冕(miǎn,a kind of ancient hat).冕were usually for auspicious ceremonies.弁were usually for general ceremonies.