【析形】象形字。甲骨文、金文字形像酒器之形,小篆字形有所讹变,两柱变作两口,又增意符斗(斗是容器),隶、楷书字形从之。 【释义】《说文》:“玉爵也。”古代青铜制贮酒器,有鋬(把手)、两柱、三足、圆口,上有纹饰,供盛酒与温酒用,盛行于殷代和西周初期。斝形似爵而比爵大,无流和饮,主要用作行祼礼(用酒灌地祭祀)时的酒器。后借指酒杯、茶杯。 【shape analysis】It is the pictograph character. In Oracle and Bronze Inscriptions,it looks like the wine container. In Small Seal script it changed, that is, two columns as the two mouth, and was added a meaningful part——斗(dǒu, container). 【original meaning】 The wine vessel made of bronze, with one pan (hand), two columns, three—legs and a round mouth, for holding wine and warming wine.