【析形】形声字。小篆字形从晶,辰声,晶是星的初文。或体将晶省并作日,隶、楷字形从之,从日,辰声。 【释义】《说文》:“曟,房星为民田时者。晨,曟或省。”本义指星辰。这个意义后世古书写作“辰”。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character.In small seal script is related to晶(jīn)and sounds like the pronunciation of 辰(chén )
【析形】会意字。金文字形像双手持辰,辰即蜃,蚌壳,古代耕作的农具。古人日出而作,故以持蜃农作之形表示早晨。隶书字形变后讹从日,与“曟”字或体混同。 【释义】《说文》:“早昧爽也。”本义指早晨。[寥若晨星]稀疏得像早晨的星星一样。形容非常稀少或罕见。 【shape analysis】It is the associative character. The character in Bronze Inscription is shaped like holding 辰(chén) in hands.辰 is clam or clamshell, that's a kind of ancient farm implement. Ancient people worked on farm very early in the morning, so it was useful to express morning with a shape of working on farm with clamshell in hands. The upper part of the character in Official script was erroneously changed into 日,and thus it was confused with the variant form of the character 曟(chén). 【original meaning】 Morning.