【析形】会意字。甲骨文字形像一个人躺在床上睡觉做噩梦,受惊而瞪眼的样子。《说文》小篆字形作,增意符宀(房屋),床体“爿”讹变作“疒”(表疾病,古人以为恶梦与疾病有关),原来瞪眼的人形增加意符夕作夢,充当全字的声符。隶、楷字形以《说文》训为“不明也”的“夢”为之。 【释义】《说文》:“,寐而有觉也。”又:“夢,不明也。”两字同源分化。本义是睡眠时局部大脑皮质还没有完全停止活动而引起的脑中的表象活动,也指做梦。梦是非现实的景象,故常用来表示想象、空想或迷惘不清等义。[梦寐以求]指在睡觉做梦时都在寻求,形容心情迫切,强烈追求。[同床异梦]比喻共同生活或共做一事而各有打算。[夜长梦多]喻历时长则事情可能发生不利的变化。[醉生梦死]像在醉梦中那样昏昏沉沉度日,形容生活目的不明确,糊里糊涂。 【shape analysis】It is the associative character.In Oracle it is like a person sleeping in nightmare, shocked with the eyes open.The word in Small Seal script was written as , adding the meaningful part 宀(mián, house)and the shape of bed 爿has changed to疒(It means disease. It is common to think that the nightmare relates to the disease).The shape of person with the eyes open has added the meaningful part 夕as the phonetic component. 【original meaning】 Dream.