【析形】形声字。古文字形从穴,从黾,《说文》以为是从穴,鼀(cù)省声。或体正从鼀。徐锴《说文系传》作“从穴、鼀省。鼀,黾也。象灶之形。”后世沿用或体作竈。今简化字作“灶”,从火,从土,会烧火土灶之意。 【释义】《说文》:“炊灶也。”本义是用砖石等砌成,供烹煮食物、烧水的设备。古代的灶一般在屋子的中央,既便于使室内四面的温度均匀,同时进火口对着门窗可以保证烧火所需的自然气流,而进入室内的冷空气也立即得到加热。在照明困难的上古,灶火也是夜晚光亮的主要来源。引申也指灶神。[灶神]旧俗供于灶上的神,也称“灶王爷”。 【shape analysis】It is the pictophonetic character.In ancient character the part 穴(xué,cave)was as an ideogram and鼀(cù) was simplified as a phonetic sign in 印Shuo Wen Jie Zi正.The variant form is鼀.Xu Kai explained in 印Shuo Wen Xi Zhuan正 that the meaning was from穴 and the pronunciation was from the simplified 鼀.鼀 is 黾,shaped like a stove.The variant form was adopted later and nowadays it was simplified as 灶,which is popular with people.The meaning of it comes from the two parts 火(huǒ,fire)and 土(tǔ,clay). 【original meaning】Stove,built with bricks and stones for cooking.