释义 |
羁 羈; 篆 隶jī【析形】会意字。小篆字形从网,从革,从馽,馽像马脚被绊之形,合起来表示用皮革制成的网络来把马络住。隶书字形变后网变作罒,绊马之形省写作马。 【释义】《说文》:“马络头也。”本义是马笼头。马笼头是束缚马的,故引申为束缚、羁绊、牵制。[放荡不羁]放纵任性,不加检点,不受约束。 【shape analysis】It is the associative character. In Small Seal script ,it is related to 网(wǎng, net),革(gé,leather)and 馽(zhí).馽is shaped like a stumbled horse hoof. Actually it means holding a horse with leather network. In Official script,网 was developed into 罒 ,and the part like a stumbled horse was simplified as 马(mǎ,horse). 【original meaning】 Horse bridle. △羁(羈)〔覊〕jī17画 罒部 (1) 〈书〉马络头: ~辔(pèi)。 (2) 束缚;拘束: ~绊|放荡不~|狂放不~。 (3) 寄居他乡;寄居他乡的: ~留|~旅|~客。 |