【析形】早期的甲骨文和金文是象形字,字形像一只嘴短、头部有冠、短翅正在鸣叫的公鸡之形。后在象形形体的基础上加注声符“奚”。鸡属于鸟类,故小篆字形省变象形整体为隹旁(异体作鸟旁),变成从隹(或鸟)、奚声的形声字。隶书字形多作雞,从隹。今简化字作“鸡”,从鸟,原声旁“奚”简化作无义符号“又”。 【释义】《说文》:“知时畜也。”本义是鸡。早在三四千年前的商代,汉民族就已将捕获的活野鸡用绳子拴住脚饲养,慢慢使其变为不会飞的家禽。作为家禽的鸡,除了用来食用之外,最大的作用是司晨报时,[金鸡报晓]、[闻鸡起舞]等成语均与此有关。鸡在中国传统文化的十二生肖中居第十。鸡不能高飞,体积偏小,故也常作为反面陪衬,如[鸡头凤尾]、[鹤立鸡群]、[杀鸡焉用牛刀]等,又如[鸡毛蒜皮]、[呆若木鸡]等皆是。 【shape analysis】The character in early Oracle and Bronze Inscriptions was a pictograph,which was shaped like a whistling rooster with short beak,crown on head and short wings.Later,the word was added 奚(xī)as a phonetic sign.In Small Seal script,the character was transformed into a pictophonetic character.The original pictograph was simplified into 隹(the variant form of鸟)as an ideogram and 奚 as a phonetic sign. 【original meaning】Chicken.As far back to Shang Dynasty 3 or 4 thousands years ago,people of Han nationality raised live pheasants so that these pheasants gradually became poultry.