【析形】金文、小篆字形作冒,从冃(帽子),从目(代指头),会头戴帽子之意。后世增巾旁分化,从巾、冒声。巾是丝织品,表示材料。 【释义】《说文》:“冒,冡而前也。”徐灏注笺:“冒,即古帽字。……引申为冡冒之义后,为引申义所专,又从巾作帽。”本义是帽子,戴在头上保暖、防雨、遮日光或装饰的用品。通常写作“冒”,帽子之称汉代才出现。引申指形状或作用像帽的东西,如笔帽儿、螺丝帽儿。 【shape analysis】The character in Bronze Inscriptions or Small Seal script is 冒, the meaning of which is from the part冃(mào,hat) and目(mù,here refer to head) which means wearing hat on head. Later, the character was added a new ideogram 巾(jīn,silk,shows the material) and thus become a differentiation. 【original meaning】 Hat, for keeping warm, proofing against rain and shading from the sun or just for decoration.